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It Starts With a Smile.

6 ways to prevent tooth decay!

Tooth decay, or dental caries, occurs when bacterial plaque in our mouth combine with sugars or starches from the food we eat to generate acids. These acids damage our tooth enamel and slowly dissolve it away.

With up to 11 million newly decayed teeth every year, tooth decay is the most prevalent health problem in Australia.

This is extremely concerning given that tooth decay is entirely PREVENTABLE.

Here are 6 simple and easy ways that you can prevent tooth decay:

1. Brush Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth properly twice a day with a toothpaste containing fluoride is one of the most basic ways we can prevent tooth decay daily. Fluoride is the active ingredient in our toothpaste and has been shown in clinical trials to strengthen tooth mineral, thus lowering the risk of tooth decay. 

2. Floss Daily

Food and plaque can easily get caught in between the teeth. Your toothbrush is unable to access and properly clean these areas. Therefore, to ensure the whole mouth is plaque free, flossing should be performed every day to remove plaque entirely from tooth surfaces.

3. Eat Healthily

Nutrition plays an important role in good dental health. Eating nutritionally beneficial foods and limiting the amount and frequency of sugary foods/drinks will help reduce acid attacks on your teeth.

4. Visit Your Dentist

Many early cavities can only be detected visually by your dentist or with the aid of a dental X-ray. Visiting your dentist for regular check ups and hygiene appointments are a key factor in preventing cavities and staying on top of good oral hygiene.

5. Fissure sealants

Dental Pit and Fissure Sealants are a protective coating that is applied to the biting surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant protects the tooth from getting a cavity by shielding the fissures against bacteria and plaque. These areas are the most common locations for tooth decay to develop. Sealants are more common in children because of the new growth of permanent teeth, however, sealants can also benefit adults to.

6. Chew (Sugar-free) Gum!

Chewing certain sugar-free gums can actually help to prevent cavities by increasing the flow of saliva and also raising the salivary pH to counteract the acid attacks on your teeth. Some studies suggest that chewing gum may be just as beneficial for you as fluoridated toothpaste and water. 
