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(02) 9743 4001

It Starts With a Smile.

Too anxious? Why not try sleep dentistry?

For many people, the thought of going to the dentist can be very stressful. Apprehensive, anxious or patients with a strong gag reflex can now relax, lay back and comfortably experience stress-free and pain-free dental treatment in our surgeries.

Intravenous or "twilight" sedation involves the adminstration of sedatives intravenously, which effectively and immediately calms you down. You are semi-awake, which means that you are still able to follow instructions however, the drugs ensure that you do not remember the dental procedure. Whilst you drift off into a state of drowsiness, you will be comfortable, very relaxed and the time will seem to pass very quickly. Your appointment will be over before you know it. 

All types of dental treatment can be performed under IV sedation.  No procedure is too small for this sedation option, however, the most common treatments which are performed under IV sedation include:

Wisdom teeth removal, orthodontic extractions and general tooth removal

Dental implant placement

- General dental treatment such as fillings and crown work

Who performs the Intravenous Sedation?

The intravenous sedation will be performed by a fully qualified medical specialist doctor.  The doctor will be with your for the whole duration of your dental appointment, closely monitoring you, until you have recovered.  As your sedation is being administered by a registered medical practitioner, you will be eligibile to claim a Medicare rebate for the cost of the sedation.

Your regular dentist at Concord Dental Practice will perform all the required dental treatment for you.

We advise that you organise for a family relative or friend to drive you home from our dental clinic after the appointment.

To find out more information about sedation, please call us on (02) 9743 4001 to arrange a consultation with one of our friendly dentists.
