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(02) 9743 4001

It Starts With a Smile.

Top Tips for Healthy Teeth and Gums

The Easter school holidays are fast approaching! Here are a few tips for you and your kids to help reduce the negative effects of excessive chocolate consumption during this time:

Try your best to avoid snacking and nibbling frequently throughout the day. If you have sweets, try to consume them straight after meals

Drink and swill water after eating or drinking to remove acids and restore pH levels

Increase your consumption of mineral foods found in natural dairy and vegetables

Brush twice daily for at least 2 minutes using circular motions at a 45 degree angle

Floss daily and ensure you are flossing properly under the gums, where your toothbrush cannot access

Lastly, don't forget to visit us for your 6 monthly check up and hygiene appointment, to prevent the build up of bacteria and decay  

Happy Easter!

From Jonathan and the Concord Dental Practice team
